Timeline of Everything (Pinoy version)
When I was a kid, I was terrible at remembering dates of historical events in my classes at school. I just never understood their significance to my life. Add to that the fact that Philippine history, world history, science, and math were all taught separately as if each happened in a universe of its own. Then eventually I learned that that was not the case. The events in one discipline did not exist in a vacuum. Whatever is happening in one corner of the globe is affecting another corner in one way or another. So I began dreaming to create a complete timeline of events that are relevant or interesting to me, something that will paint a zoomed-out perspective of everything and organize the historical events in my mind.
Based on what we know so far*, I made a timeline of everything from the beginning of time (literally) to the start of life, to our early humanoid ancestors, and then to recorded history. This is an extremely anthropocentric “history of everything”. It is my own humble attempt to tell our story as specks of dust living on this amazing planet. I also added predictions of the future at the end. It proved insightful to plot our own Philippine history juxtaposed to what’s happening in the rest of the world. It’s refreshing to see how our local events fit in the big picture. Philippine-specific events are written in bold font. Genealogy-related notes are italicized.
Presenting a simplified “History of Everything” (skewed towards Philippine and US events):
13.8 billion years ago (bya) — The Big Bang
13.6 bya — Milky Way galaxy formed
4.6 bya — Earth & Sun formed
4.5 bya — Earth’s Moon formed
3.6 bya — Life started
2.5 bya — Multi-cellular life started
540 million years ago (mya) — Animals emerged. Cambrian explosion
400 mya — The fossil fuels we use TODAY were from the algae, bacteria, and plants that lived around this time
240 mya — First dinosaurs
200 mya — Mammals branched out
65 mya — Asteroid hits Earth. Non-avian dinosaurs and ~75% of all species went extinct, including ammonites
60 mya — First Philippine islands started rising from the ocean
32 mya — Palawan & Mindoro started to separate from mainland Asia (while still underwater)
30 mya — Ape-monkey split
6 mya — Human-chimpanzee split. The genus Homo started.
2.6 mya — Paleolithic period started. First evidence of stone tools. Human ancestors left the forest for the savanna. Last Ice Age started.
1.8 mya — Homo erectus migrated out of Africa. Earliest fire use and cooking.
700 thousand years ago (kya) — Philippine rhino fossil butchered by archaic humans
600 kya — Sapiens-Neanderthals split. We stayed in Africa while they went to Asia & Europe.
200 kya — Anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) emerged
160 kya — Mitochondrial Eve, the mother of all living humans, lived here
70 kya — Homo sapiens first wave of migration out of Africa
67 kya — Homo luzonensis “Callao Man” fossils in Cagayan, Philippines
60 kya — Behaviorally modern humans emerged. Art and symbolic language started.
55 kya — Humans reached South East Asia
50 kya — Homo floresiensis “Hobbit” fossils in Indonesia
47 kya — Tabon Man fossils in Palawan, Philippines
45 kya — Humans reached West Europe
40 kya — Oldest known cave paintings
35 kya — Humans reached North Asia. Largest eruption of “modern” Mount Pinatubo (5x the 1991 eruption)
15 kya — Humans reached America via Bering Strait
12 kya — Neolithic period started — the invention of Agriculture. Rice was cultivated in the Yangtze River.
11.7 kya — Last Ice Age ended
10.5 kya — Woolly mammoths & giant sloths were hunted to extinction by humans
10 kya — All other Homo species went extinct
7.4 kya (5.4k BC) — Everyone alive was either an ancestor of all of humanity, or of nobody alive today (the “identical ancestors point”)
6 kya (4k BC) — Human civilizations started independently in different parts of the world (Mesopotamia, etc)
5.5 kya (3.5k BC) — Writing, hence recorded history, started. First evidence of domestication of horses in Eurasian Steppes.
5.2k kya (3.2k BC) — Bronze Age started
5 kya (3k BC) — Ancient Egyptian civilization started. Epic of Gilgamesh, oldest written literature. Pyramids and Stonehenge built. Austronesians’ migration to the Pacific started from Taiwan.
4 kya (2k BC) — First Chinese dynasty (Xia) started. Hinduism started. Babylonian empire started.
3.5 kya (1.5k BC) — The most recent person from whom everyone alive today is directly descended lived in eastern Asia
3.3k kya (1.3k BC) — Queen Nefertiti of Ancient Egypt lived here
3.2k kya (1.2k BC) — Bronze Age ended
800 BC — Manunggul Jar in Palawan, Philippines
700 BC — Ancient Greek civilization. Odyssey written.
600 BC — First use of coin
500 BC — Ifugao civilization created the Banaue Rice Terraces. Babylonian empire ended. Lives of Confucius and Buddha. Confucianism and Buddhism started.
400 BC — Lives of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great
44 BC — Julius Ceasar assassinated
30 BC — Cleopatra committed suicide
27 BC — Roman Empire started
AD 30 — Death of Christ. Christianity started. 80 generations away from today. A young person’s great (78x) grandparents lived around the same time as Christ.
79 — Pompeii destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius
400 — Middle Ages started
470 — Roman Empire ended
632 — Death of Muhammad. Islam started.
700 — First paper money in Tang Dynasty
793 — Viking Age started
814 — Death of Charlemagne (Entire Western world today is his descendant)
900 — Laguna Copperplate Inscription, the Philippines’ oldest known calendar-dated written document
1000 — 40 generations away from today. A young person’s great (38x) grandparents were born this time.
1066 — Viking Age ended
1227 — Death of Genghis Khan
1300 — Renaissance in Europe
1346 — The Black Plague started
1353 — The Black Plague ended. Up to 200M dead
1400 — 20 generations away from today. A young person’s great (18x) grandparents (~1 million of them) were born this time. There was a person who lived around this time who is an ancestor of ALL living Europeans today.
1431 — Joan of Arc executed
1474 — Death of the First Dalai Lama
1492 — Columbus’ voyage to the New World. European colonization of America started
1500 — Middle Ages ended. Lives of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo.
1521 — Ferdinand Magellan landed in Mactan. Spanish occupation in the Philippines started
1527 — Sack of Rome. Renaissance ended
1532 —Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the Heliocentric model
1572 — First recorded eruption of Taal Volcano
1589 — Tondo Dynasty ended
1595 — William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet
1600 — Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for heresy, for asserting that the Sun is a star
1602 — First publicly-traded company
1610 — Galileo Galilei discovered Jupiter’s moons and Saturn’s rings
1687 — Isaac Newton published his laws of motion & gravity
1712 — Steam engine invented
1760 — Industrial Revolution started
1775 — American Revolution started. 10 generations away from today. A young person’s great (8x) grandparents (~512 of them) were born this time. (lolo ng lolo ng lolo ng lolo ng lolo mo)
1776 — USA founded. Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations.
1783 — American Revolution ended
1789 — French Revolution started
1791 — Death of Wolfgang Mozart
1793 — King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette guillotined
1799 — French Revolution ended
1804 — Napoléon Bonaparte became the first emperor of France
1814 — Deadliest recorded eruption of Mount Mayon. Beethoven became completely deaf.
1815 — Largest volcanic eruption in recorded history: Indonesia’s Mount Tambora
1816 — “Year Without Summer” caused by the two big volcanic eruptions the years before
1821 —Michael Faraday created the first electric motor
1837 — UK Victorian era started
1840 — Industrial Revolution ended
1859 — Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species. First modern commercial oil well.
1861 — US civil war started
1865 — US civil war ended. Abraham Lincoln assassinated
1878 — Light bulb was invented
1884 — Juan Luna’s Spolarium
1886 — Modern car was invented
1896 — Jose Rizal shot at Bagumbayan
1898 — Philippine revolution, Spanish occupation ended
1899 — Philippine-American war started. Emilio Aguinaldo elected president
1900 — Death of Friedrich Nietzsche. 5 generations away from today. A young person’s great-great-great-grandparents (16 of them) were born this time. (lolo ng lolo ng magulang mo)
1901 — UK Victorian era ended
1902 — Philippine-American war ended. American occupation in the Philippines started
1903 — Wright brothers’ first flight
1905 — Albert Einstein published his theory of relativity
1907 — Radioactive dating invented. We could read the distant past now
1912 — Last Chinese Dynasty (Qing) ended. Republic of China started
1914 — World War 1 started
1918 — World War 1 ended
1922 — Soviet Union started. UK founded.
1929 — The Great Depression started
1933 — The Great Depression ended
1935 — Philippine Commonwealth. Manuel Quezon elected president
1939 — World War 2 started. Death of Sigmund Freud.
1941 — Pearl Harbor bombing
1942 — Japanese occupation in the Philippines started
1945 — Hilter committed suicide. Atomic bombing of Japanese cities. WW2 ended, UN created, Japanese occupation ended
1946 — American occupation ended. Manuel Roxas elected president. First computer (ENIAC) was completed.
1947 — Cold War started
1948 — Mahatma Gandhi assassinated
1950 — Korean War started
1953 — Korean War armistice (highest percentage of civilian casualty in a war). Queen Elizabeth II crowned. Double-helix DNA discovered. Modern biotech started.
1954 — US civil rights movement started
1955 — Vietnam War started
1961 — First human in space
1963 — JFK assassinated
1965 — Malcolm X assassinated
1968 — US civil rights movement ended. Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated
1969 — First human on the moon
1972 — Philippine Martial Law declared
1974 — Stephen Hawking showed that black holes can shrink and die
1975 — Vietnam War ended
1977 — Death of Elvis Presley
1980 — Smallpox disease was eradicated
1983 — The Internet was born. Ninoy Aquino assassinated.
1986 — Philippine EDSA Revolution (People Power)
1990 — World Wide Web started. Pale Blue Dot photo taken. Hubble Space Telescope launched. Luzon earthquake magnitude 7.8
1991 — Cold War ended. Soviet Union ended. Mount Pinatubo erupted. Death of Freddie Mercury.
1997 — Car crash of Princess Diana
2001 — 9/11 attacks. 2nd PH People Power
2003 — Iraq War started
2011 — Iraq War ended. Osama Bin Laden assassinated.
2012 — Voyager spacecraft reached interstellar space (outside the Solar System), the farthest human-made object
2013 — Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), most destructive
2020 — COVID-19 declared as a pandemic. Taal volcano erupted.
*** TODAY ***
2026 — First crewed mission to Mars
2030 — Car companies will begin to stop making gasoline-powered vehicles
2050 — More plastic than fish in the ocean. Entire cities will be erased from the map, including Manila, because of rising sea levels, with millions of people displaced. 100+ countries have pledged carbon neutrality by this time.
2060 — Fossil fuels will run out (with the current rate)
2061 — Halley’s Comet appears again
2066 — Breakthrough Starshot reaches our neighboring star in Alpha Centauri (farthest human-made object by this time)
2178 — Pluto completes its first full orbit since its discovery in 1930
1 million years to go (mytg) — Benham Rise starts to show up as an island east of Luzon
50 mytg — Saturn loses its rings
4 billion years to go (bytg) — Milky Way collides with the Andromeda Galaxy. In addition to a sunrise and a moonrise, Earthlings will now see a galaxy-rise.
5 bytg — Sun turns to a red giant and devours Mercury
100 trillion years to go — The last star in the universe dies
*It is almost guaranteed that we will soon find new evidence that will alter some of the dates above but that’s rarely a problem. In fact, that’s the great thing about most of our bodies of knowledge — they are self-correcting.
Although the timeline above demonstrates the chronology of events, it does a poor job of showing the scale of time in between these events. Billions of years are skipped like nothing at the top and bottom ends of the timeline. So here’s a better article for that. The cosmic calendar is also a great tool to visualize the scale of time.
Disclaimer: I am neither a biologist, an astronomer, an anthropologist, nor a historian. If you spot some inaccuracies above, please comment below. This is an ongoing mini-project so it may be incomplete but I will continue to update it as often as I can.
Related Links
- https://waitbutwhy.com/2013/08/putting-time-in-perspective.html
- https://waitbutwhy.com/2016/01/horizontal-history.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Philippine_history
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD4izuDMUQA
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXJ4dsU0oGMLnubJLPuw0dzD0AvAHAotW
- https://blog.23andme.com/ancestry-reports/what-is-austronesian-ancestry/
- https://gcbias.org/european-genealogy-faq/
- https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2002/05/the-royal-we/302497/
- https://archive.senseaboutscience.org/news.php/306/we-are-all-related-to-romans-vikings-egyptians-attila-the-hun.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_knowledge_about_galaxies,_clusters_of_galaxies,_and_large-scale_structure
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUelbSa-OkA